Alexey Voronin


Urbana, IL

I am a PhD candidate in Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, with over eight years of experience in scientific computing and numerical modeling. My research focuses on creating scalable numerical solvers for complex engineering and physics problems. I specialize in developing multilevel methods that improve the performance of algorithms solving linear and nonlinear partial differential equations. These methods have applications in various fields, including graph partitioning, optimization, and high-performance computing.

Before and during my PhD, I worked as a software engineer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and as an intern at Sandia National Laboratories. There, I enhanced multiphysics simulation codes by applying my knowledge in GPU computing, modern HPC architectures, multigrid methods, and PDEs. My goal is to combine computational innovation with practical applications, and I am keen to collaborate with teams that share this ambition.

You can learn more about my work at


Feb 25, 2024 Preparing to defend my PhD at the University of Illinois in March. Eagerly looking for my next venture in scientific computing and numerical modeling.

selected publications

  1. artery.png
    Monolithic Algebraic Multigrid Preconditioners for the Stokes Equations
    Alexey Voronin, Scott MacLachlan , Luke N. Olson , and 1 more author
    Arxiv, 2023
  2. low_order.png
    Low-order preconditioning of the Stokes equations
    Alexey Voronin, Yunhui He , Scott MacLachlan , and 2 more authors
    Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 2021